Three things: The year of...

I love lists! I love the process of externalizing my thoughts. I love a good list that allows me to explore my life in the present as well as review my past. 

I've mentioned lists and letters before and how much I appreciate her writing style, but I appreciate her writing prompts even more now because they're helping me stay on my writing path when distractions send me veering of course. 

This recent prompt is great because it helps me to marvel at the passing of time. Because, well - it's June. We're 6 months into 2014. It's astounding to witness the quickening of life and all that happens in a day, or say, 6 months.

Here is what I wrote for my "The Year of 2014":

1. the year of starts and stops. of rushing ahead with boundless energy only to run out of steam and fall behind. of watching behind the sidelines wishing i could perform as well as the others. the year of learning that money can't buy happiness but "it can buy a lot of glad". of reviewing past mistakes and knowing i can't erase them, but i can savor the wisdom they've given me. of calling in abundance and learning the sometimes painful practice of patience.

2. the year of medicine journeys and medicine wheels. of cleaning out past lives. of moving from the west towards the north, from psyche to the mind, from self toward the community, from adolescent to elder. the year of being held by others in my unraveling, and holding space for others in theirs. of revelation and revolution. of sisterhood and connection. the year of the divine feminine coursing through my veins.

3. the year of decisions made in partnership. of learning to rely on family. of making responsible choices out of choices that chose us. the year of hero and halo and the roots they are helping us grow. the year of turning towards the middle of my thirties. of yearning for children and planning for the future.

How would your list read for the first half of the year?

I'd love to know so if you feel inspired, please share below or over at lists and letters.