Mid-Retrograde Check In

When values are clear, decisions are easy - Roy Disney

I received this quote as a hand-me-down from a previous employer and it's since become one of my all-time favorite, go-to quotes in times of need - especially when I am at the crossroads of making a decision.

As someone with a Gemini Moon, decision making has felt quite challenging for me throughout my life - so many choices, so many options! They all sound so great!

I have a tendency to exhaust every possible outcome and overthink my options until finally time runs out and there I am, eeny-meeny-miney-mo'ing the decision, yet still feeling uneasy about which one I ended up with. Can you relate?

So now, whenever I have a decision to make, I often refer back to that Roy Disney quote and find that the decision making process a wee-bit easier. I gain more clarity as to which direction to take, and when I make decisions in consideration of my values, I'm often delighted with the results and outcome.

I attribute successful decisions to be in alignment with what resonates in my heart and what I know (but sometimes ignore) to be true. So that old adage, "follow your heart" really does make a lot of sense. Even if my mind doesn't think so.

This brings me to a little check-in regarding the Venus Retrograde, as we are now more than halfway through the journey.

I'm curious, how's it going for you so far?

As I mentioned in my previous post about Venus Retrograde, this is a time when you are asked to review your values and all that is dear to your heart, in addition to Venusian themes of money, relationships, and creativity.

Since Venus is currently retrograding in the sign of Leo (which I consider the sign of the heart), you may be more focused around and engaging with your heart intelligence lately.

We also had a New Moon in Leo on the 14th which initiated a shift in our creative energy and may have sent you sailing onto new endeavors.

I don't know about you, but this particular New Moon felt especially significant.

And actually, for me it was as it was exactly conjunct my North Node in Leo, which represents my soul's purpose and mission in this lifetime.

Big time changes baby.

I'll write another post about the North Node because it's such a rich topic, but for now what I can say is that with this New Moon activating my North Node in Leo in my 7th house of relationships, I'm starting a completely new cycle of engaging with my life's mission to be of service to others.

It's like I just received an invitation in the mail asking me to, "get out there, show yourself, be in the spotlight, have fun, and be creative".

It's not the worst kind of invitation to receive, but my quiet, behind-the-scenes observing Aquarius South Node self is effing terrified to do that! So this whole thing feels big and scary and also (thankfully) exciting, too.

Another post about fear will be coming up soon too. I admit, I have so many unfinished blog posts to share with you but I've been holding myself back. It sucks. The energy it takes to hold back is actually exhausting so I'm really grateful for this New Moon and the energetic kick in the butt to stop playing so small and make some magic. It's time!

That said, I'm finding myself at another crossroads in my life and that means time to make another decision. So, in addition to conversations about money, setting up a budget, and talking a lot about relationships over the past few weeks, I'm really reviewing my values during this retrograde so I can make appropriate decisions that are in full alignment with my heart and values.

I trust I will feel more confident and will be more successful if I make a decision from a heart-centered space instead of relying only on my mental faculties. Don't you think?

And you know what?

When I've tap into my heart-space recently, the biggest themes coming up for me are FAITH and TRUST.

Hot damn. Those two big, brilliant babies are really 'up' for me and teasing me out of my old fearful patterns of holding onto old stories and illusions of security.

So stay tuned for what's coming. If it's anything like these visions I keep having, I'm stoked!

What have you been working through this Venus Retrograde?

What are you discovering?

What does your decision making process involve?

Post away in the comments below!

