Saturn: the astrological symbol for structure, maturity, time, boundaries, patience, and hard work. Also known as the Great Teacher, Father/Mother Time, and the Dweller at the Threshold. As an archetype, it can help us appreciate, honor, and respect our time here on Earth, as well as understand our limitations.

Saturn also helps distill our essence so we can align with our inner authority and step into our most authentic self-expression.

Every 27-30 years Saturn completes an orbit around the Earth to return to the same place it was at the time of your birth. Saturn cycles through a quarter of your chart (and your life) every 7 years, so your Saturn Return marks a culmination of four 7-year cycles.

If you are blessed to live long enough, you have the opportunity to experience three Saturn Returns in your lifetime: your first between ages 27-30, your second between 57-60, and your last and final return between the ages of 87-90.

Your first Saturn Return is an initiation and rite of passage into adulthood. Your second Saturn Return initiates you into elderhood, and your third is an opportunity to reflect on the entirety of your life and make peace with death.


Joseph Campbell came up with the absolutely brilliant and universally applicable model to describe the process of change and transformation, and the Saturn Return aligns beautifully with his metaphor.

Your Saturn Return may begin with an inner calling, which some describe as an emotional 'ache' or pull from within. This is known as 'the call to adventure'. Once you answer this call, you may face challenges and tests, while also receiving support and guidance from wise guides along the way. After passing several tests and building your inner strength, you graduate onto the next phase of your life with new awareness, greater clarity, confidence and stability.

When Saturn comes for a visit in your life, you may be reminded of your mortality, which may bring about temporary depression. Or, you may feel blocked, or trapped, or burdened by responsibilities. Or, conversely you may feel motivated and in a hurry to get your life together.

Saturn may ask: "how would you like to write the story of your life?", “are you being true to yourself?”, “what no longer fits with who you are becoming?”, “what are you committing to?”

These questions may guide you to take ownership and responsibility and ask you to commit to your truth. Arriving at this truth may include releasing careers, relationships, belief systems, and behaviors.

As Saturn distills, compresses, and wrings out your true essence, you may experience restrictions, delays, and frustrations on your path. These are all part of the development and preparation of your personal elixir to share with the world upon completion of this journey. And yes, this can sometimes feel really tough!

Just like a tough work out, the pain eventually subsides and gives way to greater strength. When all is said and done and you pass the tests set before you, you will be rewarded in some great way.

Saturn will ask you to be willing to become your own authority and establish routines, structures, and behaviors that support your future.

Where are you on this journey? Are you about to crest the hill of this daunting adventure? Or are you already caught in its throws? Are you cruising through the eye of its storm thinking the worst is over -- but then...ugh, there's more?

Wherever you are, I get it.

I'm here to help you navigate this transformational journey.

And, if you've already cycled through your Saturn Return breathing a sigh of relief, perhaps a celebration and integration is in order? We can still check out what other transits are happening for you as well as review and integrate what you've learned through your Saturn Return.