Explore | Discover | Transform



I certainly didn't. But from a very young age I knew I wanted to help people remember their connection to Source.

Today I do this through astrological counseling. I bridge the therapeutic tools of counseling with the practical wisdom of astrology so people can experience an intimate relationship with themselves as a unique and essential part of Life.

I utilize astrology as a tool that cultivates self-awareness and self-compassion, while exploring the mysteries of the human experience.

My approach helps people integrate wounded parts of themselves, transform outworn beliefs, and shift their perspectives so they can embody more peace, joy, and wonder.

  • My astrological interpretations provide a lens through which you can see yourself more clearly. These sessions help deepen your connection with yourself and your intuition. Though you are the expert on your life, I bear witness and provide an affirming reflection of your journey.

    As we dig into the themes of your lived experience, you’ll receive an anchor of meaning and a sense of timing so you understand where you’re at in your evolutionary journey while finding ways to work with what is showing up for you.

  • Through our on-going dialogue and collaboration, we’ll explore your mental and emotional landscapes. We’ll get acquainted with parts of your inner world through gestalt techniques and sand tray therapy so we can understand how these parts work and, what they need. We’ll unburden the energy of what shows up by allowing it all to be seen, heard, felt, and integrated.

    Together we’ll reflect and stay curious while integrating more pieces of your puzzle into a whole new perspective.

  • Every 27-30 years Saturn returns to its placement at the moment of your birth, ushering in a new phase of life while pruning all that no longer serves you. I specialize in exploring the themes of this initiation and revisiting Saturn's presence in your life through past transits and natal signatures.

You are not a troubled guest on this earth,
You are not an accident amidst other accidents
You were invited from another and greater night
Than the one from which you have just emerged.
— David Whyte

Curiosity is what led me to astrology + Counseling, and it’s what I bring to every session with every client.

My aim isn’t to fix or correct. It’s about exploration and being curious and open to what we find together. I believe when we welcome all parts of ourselves, we create more ease in our nervous system and untangle limiting belief systems and patterns that keep us from living in flow.


Astrology is not a fortune-telling tool.

It’s a reflective symbolic language that helps us understand how the parts of our inner solar system interact.

These interactions frame a story of your potential and show how you are evolving through life.

Since the natural unfolding of life is always more revelatory and empowering, rather than knowing the answers to life’s questions in advance, astrology provides clues on the path to self-discovery.

My role is to provide interpretations as to the many potential outcomes associated with particular aspects and transits to help you further trust your intuition as to what direction your life is taking.


Danielle has a really unique way of weaving together the mystical and the practical realities of life. In each session, we have explored my personal astrology chart and engaged in conversation that felt as though I was reconnecting with a dear friend. She has a subtle yet direct way of sharing cosmic insights while beautifully leading me through a deeply healing journey through my subconscious by way of guided self inquiry. Each time we meet, there are pieces of wisdom brought to light in an unexpected yet welcomed space. It always ends with a sense of comforting ease in mind, body and heart.

- Nikki C. | Toronto
